Vaishno Devi Trip
Choose Divinity for Life, quit the mind, and the soul will speak.

Vaishno Devi Trip

Posted by: admin
Category: trip

A trip is not a story in itself, it’s just a series of events. We all travel for a reason. Whether it is for the experience, the crave of adventure or to explore new places. Also, travel brings riches in life with experiences, learnings and making new friends.

We explore something new during every trip. After traveling we always have a lot of emotions and impressions. Naturally, we want to share impressions not only with our friends and family but with other people also. That’s why people used to make a blog for their travel and readers can get to know about the difficulties overcome and the joys that all experienced during the trip.


“We usually travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.”- Anonymous.

Traveling is the memories that will warm our soul. We are the creators of moments in our life, both pleasant and painful. One of the best quotes on travel-  “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

“There is a whole world out there. Pack the backpack, your friends and go.” So, Quadrish had a great trip to “Vaishno Devi”. We all had a lot of fun and enjoyed the journey as well.


Moving towards the weather over there; It was like we’ve found heaven on earth and we all were full of enthusiasm; as we got a chance to see how the heaven will be in actual. Can’t explain that precious experience of being with nature and clouds.

I Genuinely feels that these type of Company trips must be there at least once in a year. This would be a great way to refresh the mind of employees. Hence, the collection of these refreshed minds will definitely going to improve the company’s growth afterwards.

I personally suggests that everyone should visit Vaishno Devi at least once in a life to feel the same experience of being like in heaven.

Author: admin